
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Charlie Boy - 6 Months

Showing off his new skills.

6 months....I got this taken only a couple weeks late, but hey, I got it taken.

Our sweet Charlie is now about 6.5 months old. He checked out just fine at the doctor before I went back to school. He had grown about an inch and a half since his last appointment two months ago. I think he weighed in at 16 pounds, 10 ounces. That was a decent gain, but it sometimes seems like he should weigh more. His weight only puts him in the 30th percentile, which is strange to me because he has plenty of chub to go around. His height was somewhere around the 40th, and his head exploded to the 70th percentile. Way to keep up the giant Fox head tradition, Charlie.

I had to fill out a survey to determine where he was developmentally. I probably messed the thing up a bit. It asked things like: Makes high pitch squeals. I marked it as sometimes because he can make those noises, he just doesn't. Anyway, the doctor kept asking me if I had any concerns. I kept saying no. He would say things like, "A lot of babies can sit by this point. You're sure he doesn't? No, his back seems weak. Do you have any concerns?" Nope. Not a one. I finally said, "Listen, Maddie was all over the place by this point in her life. She was sitting and on the verge of crawling. She babbled non-stop. Charlie is the exact opposite and I'm totally fine with that." The doc seemed okay with this statement. I think he feels I have a decent mommy head on my shoulders. Maybe he thought I had set the bar high and would be worried that Charlie wasn't jumping at it. Trust me, I'm okay with a laid back kid. Charlie must have been listening because two weeks later he decided to show us. He started sitting on his own and got on his hands and knees, all on the same day. It has been about a week since he showed these tricks off, and tonight he started saying "duh, duh, duh". Okay, so not the next Tolstoy, but I was impressed. He isn't a big talker, to say the least. He continues to be the happiest baby on the block. He really only cries if he is hungry. I know and appreciate how unbelievably lucky I am for this.

With starting back to school I haven't taken many pictures in the last month. We had to get the house sprayed for bat bugs, which was not a fun ordeal. I still have loads and loads of laundry to do before we recover from that and we still have to get sprayed every month for the next year. School has gotten us back into our routine. I'm still struggling with the lack of sleep, but the kids seem to be doing great with it.

Maddie is a riot. She amazes me every day with the things she says and knows. She can sing her ABCs, knows every color in the rainbow, almost counts to 20, and is a whiz with a puzzle (even the 30 piece ones). Her amount of energy is also something that holds my awe. I'll have to get some pics of her taken and posted. I don't want to create any psychological damage from playing picture favorites on here.

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