
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend O'Fun

Columbus Day weekend was a three day weekend for me, and I was able to convince Steve to take a day off, too. We went to The Great Pumpkin Patch on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. The weather was exceptionally warm, but beautiful. We came home with a few hand-picked pumpkins. As we were searching for the perfect pumpkins, we found one that had turned blackish-green on the top. Steve tapped his foot on it to see what it was like, and the pumpkin cracked. Mads is in copycat mode, so she came running up and STOMPED that pumpkin. Her foot went right through the shell and she pulled it out covered in pumpkin goo. Mom and Maddie were not especially impressed with that! We got home worked in the yard getting the house ready for winter (Yuck!) and then took Sarah and Derek out to Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate Derek getting hired as a security guard at Newton Power Plant. Go, Derek!

On Sunday, we went to Grant's Farm in St. Louis. That day wasn't as much fun because we were all tired from a late night and the place was packed. Maddie did get to see the animals and enjoyed riding the train through the park. Her favorite part was probably getting to ride the carousel before we left. Shortly after, both Mom and Maddie had a meltdown and we headed home with milkshakes from Steak 'n Shake, which might have been Dad's favorite part of the day.

We spent Monday enjoying some time at home. Lesson learned: We only have the mental strength for one fun day a weekend!

The Diva and Her Pumpkin 

Mads and Dad trying to pick up a really big pumpkin! 

Dad convinced her to run with this pumpkin choice, which resulted in a dropped and then cracked pumpkin that is now rotting on our front porch. Yeah! 

Chillin' Charlie just enjoying the sun and the breeze

I was actually there. I was squatting down in hopes of getting Maddie in a picture with me, but she refused because she wanted to do the broomcorn maze again, so there I sit looking like a goon. 

Here is The Princess working it in a different kind of maze. 

In front of a pond at Grant's Farm 

Here are the buddies in the goat pen. She would get down to each of the ones on the ground and say, "Look at this little guy. Hey, little guy." I think she went to every goat in the pen and we didn't even splurge on the food or milk. I have a feeling the goats don't go hungry. 

This is her second ride on the horsey. I think she chose the same one both rides. 

A little game of Hungry, Hungry Hippo with Aunt Sarah, Uncle Derek, and Dad. Let's just say the smallest player didn't play fair!

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