
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Update on the Kiddies

Madeleine is really getting to be fun. She has outgrown the tantrums (unless she is hungry or really tired) so we are able to get a lot more accomplished in our days. It is amazing how much time I spent stopping her from banging her head off things and listening to her scream. Yowza! She could not be more girly. Our life is consumed with princesses, fairies, and pink. This absolutely kills Steve, but there is really no way around it. The only non-girly things she is still in to are animals and large machinery. The city repaved our roads and are putting in some new walks around our neighborhood. She has had a big time watching the backhoe loaders, rollers, and dump trucks. She is doing really well at her 'school' but the teachers told me the other day that she refuses to smile. Even if she thinks something is hilarious she will just open her mouth great big and usually has her hand in it. Mads really is a different person at school, so I am not worried. She is quiet and reserved and very obedient. I know she has friends there and she always has fun, even though if I ask what she did at school she will say "nuffin". Ha! Aren't they supposed to be at least 10 before that is their response to that question? Then Maddie gets home and we can't get her to be quiet. She is talkative, sings constantly, and jumps off of everything. Now for the big news....she is almost potty-trained. We noticed her being dry in the mornings and for long periods of time, so I just started making her wear underwear. That seemed to be the push she needed. Except for a few accidents when she is focused on playing, being stubborn, or asleep after a lot of juice, she has done exceptionally well. I didn't have to buy pull-ups when I was grocery shopping, so we are on the right path.

Charlie is still my sweetie, but he has grown up in super speed the last couple of weeks. Not only is he a pro at sitting up, he learned to inchworm, then crawl, then pull up to his knees, then pull up to his feet, then clap, and he got a tooth. This all happened in a matter of three weeks. He eats like a little man. The other night he ate two jars of baby food, which was a big jump from barely eating a couple tablespoons. He messes with crackers, puffs, and rice crackers, but they don't make up much of his food as he can't quite figure out what to do with them once they are in his mouth and gummed to mush. His daycare workers LOVE him because, as they put it, he is so chillaxed. He is pretty much up for anything, as long as he is fed and dry. He has also gotten very curious. It takes my full attention to keep him out of dog bowls or ripping pages out of books or pulling on wires. Maddie can be helpful, but she is just as likely to bodyslam him as she is to get my attention to help. He will learn to be rough and tumble in no time!

How I often find Charlie in the evenings. He is so low-maintenance that he puts himself to sleep by jumping. 

Maddie was desperate to ride the horse at a festival in Flora, until it was her turn. Then, in true Maddie fashion, she got very bashful and very scared. Luckily, Aunt Sarah was there to save the day and saddled up with Maddie. I think Sarah secretly wanted to ride, so it was win-win. Maddie rode with her hands in her mouth the whole time, but she talked about how fun it was the rest of the day. 

Maddie is so girly that some of it wears of on Lucy and we can get her in a princess get-up, too. The problem is they both want the blue dress at the same time. 

Charlie being cute! 

Charlie at 7 months....this is just an estimate, as I didn't take the picture until he was pretty much 8 months. 

Long live the queen! She lives in this dress.

Treehouse, Too had a Halloween parade for the kids. They lined up and walked around the building in their costumes while parents/grandparents handed out candy. I took the day off just to watch the event, which was quite impressive. The kids had fun and were very well behaved. Later in the day Maddie had a party where apparently they did "nuffin". 

The babies even got to participate. Charlie was a frog...apparently a very relaxed frog! 

Princess Maddie and her friends. Here she is actually smiling. 

Here is the classic Maddie face. At least her fingers weren't in her mouth! 

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