Maddie actually did the trick-or-treating herself this year. Last year we were the shmucks who said trick-or-treat for her. This year we had to say it at the first house. Then we got her to say trick-or-treat. By a few houses later we got her to say trick-or-treat and thanks. By the end of it, she would say the whole thing after knocking on the door by herself. For Miss Bashful, this was quite a feat. When she got home she immediately began matching all the kinds of candy. Turns out this is an inherited trait. Her daddy used to sort his candy at the end of the night before stacking it in nice, neat stacks. After seeing him organize his garage, this really should not surprise me. Happy Halloween!
Trick or Treat!
Notice the nice neat stacks? At least she was able to mix it into a bowl instead of stacking it up. :)
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