November was over before I ever even knew it started. We had great Thanksgivings. The weekend before we went to Jim and Mary Anne's for a delicious meal. On Thanksgiving, we followed tradition. That means I get up and around so I can watch the Macy's Day Parade before our meal. Maddie got into it this year. I would try to get her to pay attention to the instruments, but all she wanted to talk about was the sparkles and feathers. Stay true to yourself, Sister! Then we headed to my aunt and uncle's house here in town for my mom's family's gathering. I ended up heading home early due to a stress induced diaphragm spasm. Don't even ask. I honestly wasn't nervous about eating! :) The kids stayed and played and had a big time. The day after Thanksgiving we headed to Dad and Susan's for lunch. In the chaos of every day life, it is easy to get bogged down with stress and negativity. Luckily, life comes right back to smack me in the face with how blessed my family is.
Charlie has turned 8 and 9 months in the blink of an eye. He is just about to hit 10 months. I did miss a picture somewhere in there. Steve will be sure to tell Charlie about how he was neglected someday. I do my best, Bubba Boy. Sorry your mother is a failure. At his 9 month appointment he came in at the 30th-something percentiles for height and weight, which surprised me. He really isn't any bigger than Maddie at the same point in her life, but he sure has a lot more wrinkles and rolls than she ever had. He finally got two teeth, which has taken forever. I hate to see his gummy grin disappear, but I can't wait for him to start eating regular food so I can stop buying baby food. At the rate his teeth are appearing, I will be able to do that in 2014. He is pulling up and can cruise around the edge of the couch if he is really motivated. He talks quite a bit when there are fewer than three people in the house, but most of the time he stays pretty quiet. Just taking it all in. Reminds me of Tyler when he was little - very quiet, observant, absolutely ornery. The last one worries me a little!
Madeleine is something else. We weighed her a month ago to see if she was growing. She isn't. I don't think she has gained a pound in the last year, even though she has grown about two inches. She is petite, to say the least. For every bit she lacks in size, she makes up for with attitude. She does something to crack me up every day. She is CRAZY about Christmas this year, which is making it a lot more fun for me. Every morning we have to locate Jingle, our Elf on the Shelf. We've been watching lots of Christmas movies and looking at lights around town. She was singing songs in the car the other day. I started to sing 'Frosty the Snowman' before realizing I had forgotten the words. Maddie reassured me she had learned it at school. "Frosty the Snowman got hit by a car and bumped his head...." I was laughing to hard to hear what came next. She is adament that her daycare teacher sings those very words. Ha! We went to Flora and rode The Little Toot last weekend. We went to see Santa after we got off the train. We had been talking to her about how she would have to talk to Santa herself. Not Mom and Dad. Just like Halloween when she had to say trick-or-treat herself. If you know how bashful Maddie is, you can already guess how that talk went. She never even made it to his lap. She tried twice, but couldn't work up the courage. Once we got in the car she broke down. "I want to talk to Santa. I want to tell him I want a Barbie." After she consoled her broken heart with a DQ milkshake, she agreed that Santa would like a letter and Jingle could take it to him. Last night we wrote the letter and it started something like this: "Dear Santa, Trick-or-Treat! I want a red, pink, and purple Barbie." I think our message got a little lost on her 2 and 1/2 year old comprehension. It is such fun to see the magic of Christmas through her little kid eyes.
School is crazy. Steve's work is crazy. We have lots of plans for the holidays, including heading to Florida for a short visit. I'm very quickly beginning to think we are insane for even trying to attempt it, but it's a done deal. Here we come!
Bath. Check. Pajamas. Check. Little, black hat. Check
"Hey. Mom. Hey. See me. Pick me up. Mom. Hey."
8 month picture actually taken somewhere around 9 months. You can see his teeth poking through if you enlarge the picture by clicking on it.
As his teeth were coming through, Charlie worked his tongue a lot on the new chompers.
I bet you didn't have a long-legged turkey hat for Thanksgiving. Jealous?
Dancing a jig behind the tree while rearranging the ornaments.
Looking sweet before ripping some ornaments off the tree.
Riding The Little Toot
WHAT was that? (That was the train's whistle.)
9 month picture taken somewhere around 10 months. You can tell he was feeling quite feisty this day and wouldn't sit up in the chair.
Maddie pointing at Jingle and her letter to Santa.
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