Considering it has taken me 4 months to publish any new posts, you can imagine that things have been insane around this house. I will do my best to sum it up.
Easter: Fun! We made a quick trip to South Carolina to see Tyler, Helen, Lucy, and William. We had so much fun in our short 2 days. Thanks for having us....we'll be back!
Steve: Work. That is really it. He is a working machine. Sometimes he doesn't come home at night and just works 2 days straight. It is craziness and I tell him this frequently.
Me: Craziness. That is really it. While Steve is at work, I manage to cram in my work and family life. My job was nuts this year. I never really got into a groove. There was constantly something going on, much of which you can read about when I sum up Charlie. I've been working on cutting myself some slack about housework, but I am always noticing dust balls that need vacuumed or windows that need washed.
Madeleine: Growing up! This girl has made some huge jumps lately. I think she grew a whole inch so far this year, which is major for that pip-squeak. She is also just acting much older. Her behavior has improved three-fold since she turned 3. She still has melt-downs, but they are short lived and a lot less violent than they used to be. I've worked with her to tell me, "I'm just being mad." She knows that it is okay to be mad but that she can't hit/kick/spit/bite/bang heads/etc. There are still bad times here and there, but much, much, much more manageable. She is also just hilarious. Her vocabulary is huge and she is always saying something funny. Also, she is growing into imaginary play where she is a superhero or Minnie Mouse or Dora. It cracks me up. Today she told me that everything is a mystery and we need to solve it. So true, Little One.
Charlie: Illness. Illness. Illness. This kid is lucky that I am head-over-heels in love with him, because I might throw him out otherwise. He has been sick constantly since December. After visiting a doctor every week for 3 months, we were able to get tubes in his ears. That was wonderful except for the horrible virus I assume he caught in the hospital. The day after his surgery he was sick as a dog for a week. We are talking scary high fevers, lethargy, trouble breathing. It was scary. Jim and Mary Anne stayed with him and Maddie for a week. The first day Charlie was healthy was the first day that Maddie started the same week-long virus. Before we knew it, Charlie was back to having ear infections, but with the tubes it just consists of green junk flowing out of his ears until the ear drops kick in. He has continued to fight bronchitis. We are treating him as if he is asthmatic without giving him the diagnosis. He is on long-term daily breathing treatments. Today he broke out in a rash that spread from head to toe...literally, all over. I took him in to the doctor, where they know us by name, and they think maybe he is having an allergic reaction to some kind of food. What kind of food, we don't know. I haven't introduced anything new or weird, so my fear is that the allergy is wheat or eggs or something we eat all of the time. Fingers crossed that it was a fluke.
Summer: I LOVE summer. We are busy doing nothing much. I always have some kind of housework to do. Maddie and I are enrolled in the reading program at the library. We are also planning to take part in their summer events. I signed Maddie up for a play group with the park district for 3-year olds. Soon the pool water will be warm enough for me to wade into it. We went on a weekend trip with my family. I have a lot of showers/weddings to attend. It is going to be a fun time!
Chillin' Charlie
Look how happy!
This would be the reason for the happiness...doughnuts! This does not compare to Charlie eating fresh Krispie Kreams. That is something to see.
My little ham
The 2nd best birthday present. These 2 know how to break it down.
Sharing the trampoline
A picture of a puzzle, you ask? Yes. This 6,000 piece puzzle has been in my house in one stage of doneness or another. I made the threat that if it wasn't done soon it would be taken apart, as it has been stored on my dining room table for years. It was completed. Amen!
Charlie has to get right next to me every time I try to take his picture...or if I am in the room.
"Mom, Charlie wants his picture with me." Mmmmhmmm.
More jumping!
This is my poor Bubba after his allergic reaction. This is when his face started swelling.
This is what his entire body looked like from the top of his head to his toes.
This girl loves to ride her 'bike'. She was so proud when she finally learned to ride it up the 'hills' in front of our house.
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