
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Natalie Louise Makes Her Grand Arrival

After many weeks of misery and passing my due date, I gave up the hope of going into labor on my own. I don't know how women can go over their due date without losing their minds. I guess having the option to move things along probably makes me less patient! Charlie came down with something that involved a fever, so I took Monday and Tuesday off the week Natalie was due. That allowed me to stay home and be miserable instead of harassing junior high kids with my grumpiness. On Tuesday I went to my scheduled appointment. The doctor walked in the room and said, "You are done. Your smile is gone. Let's do this." She wrote me a note to be excused from work one more day. I spent that Wednesday cleaning the house, doing laundry, and sneaking in one more nap. Steve and I went into the hospital at midnight, as we had done twice before. I had no nerves. I just wanted to be done.

This is me on the way to the hospital...40 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Despite being frightening, this does not even compare to my Charlie belly.

We checked in. I got rigged up with my IVs. Two sleeping pills later and we were on our way. The next morning I hadn't progressed any more than when I arrived. The doctor arrived at 8:30 to break my water and things started to get intense. With Madeleine I was determined to fight the brave fight and not get an epidural. After not progressing, I ended up getting one and it was the best decision for me. With Charlie I had one without questioning it and the darned thing stopped working after 2 hours leaving me with a very numb right knee and nothing else. After an hour of strong contractions and very little progression, I asked for an epidural. The delivery wing was hopping that morning and the anesthesiologist showed up and said he had to do right then if it was going to happen. I started off thinking that guy was a jerk, but by the time he was done I really liked the guy. One much more comfortable hour later a new nurse came in and asked how I was. I told her that I felt weird, so she decided to check me. She got a strange look on her face and said, "Ummmm, you are having a baby. Lay still and I'll get things ready. Breath. Don't push." I had progressed over 5 centimeters in an hour. I really didn't believe her. They told me to push. I still didn't believe it. On the first push the nurse said she could see a head. Disbelief. On the second push I said, "Ow." Not buying it. Then I heard crying. Then I started crying and said, "That was too easy. She is too small." Within an hour of my epidural wearing off I was showered, in my own clothes, and walking the halls. Steve says I will pay for the ease of her delivery by years of her being a hellion. So far, he is wrong.

3 Generations

Steve's Parents....
Jim is usually behind the camera, so it is unusual to have a picture with both of them.

Natalie in her favorite spot. This is also my favorite spot!

On a side note, I have to sneak in a cute story. If you don't know my husband, you should know that he is the epitome of calm, cool, and collected. You can never really read his emotions, because on the outside they never show. He said he was excited to meet Natalie, but in the days before her arrival everything was very 'fact of the matter'. After the nurse determined it was go-time, Steve came back to the bedside. He made a little chit-chat before I noticed my bed was shaking. Usually the epidural gives me the shakes, but it wasn't me. Steve had his hand on my bed rail and he was shaking like a leaf. His face was white and I wasn't sure if he was going to pass out or puke. I took his hand and assured him things would be fine. Ha! Obviously, delivery is very hard on him. He later told me he has a hard time watching me in pain. Charlie's delivery was very painful and difficult and Steve didn't want to watch me go through that again. Isn't that sweet?

 Daddy and his girls. I think there is equal adoration on both ends.

  Back to Natalie. She was perfect, even if she was much smaller than I was expecting. She looks a lot like Madeleine. Steve thinks they are twins, but I see something different about her. So far, she has been an easy baby. I do spend a lot of nights holding her while she sleeps, but that is my choice. I either want to enjoy those cuddles or I fall asleep before I can put her back in her crib. It probably doesn't help that she sleeps in our room, which was not true of the older 2. Natalie's only bad spot is her eating. She loves to do it, but she fusses the whole time. It sounds like I am water boarding her. We tried different bottles, different nipple sizes, different positions, and bottle temperatures without any luck. Of course I start the mommy doubt and wonder if I should have nursed her; however, that process still freaks me out and I don't think a rough eater would have been a good way to start. She seems to be happy despite my mommy fail and had gained 1 pound at her 2-week check-up.

Getting ready to go home

Madeleine and Charlie were instantly in love with her. There has been no jealousy, which has just blown me away. In fact, I get aggravated with them because they can't leave her alone. All day long she is smothered with hugs and kisses and people fighting over who gets to hold her. I keep waiting for that to change, but I  hope it doesn't.

First Peek

Maddie's heart is singing!

A sweet moment from Charlie, which is different than his usual rough and tumble approach.

Madeleine got to help us come home. She snuck in one more cuddle at the hospital.
We feel really blessed to have our family. People always say they can't remember what life was like before having kids. I absolutely remember what it was like. It was wonderful to eat hot food, go to the bathroom without an audience, and to take a nap without being woken up by a little girl poking me in the eyes, but our family of 5 is so much fun that I wouldn't trade it for the least not for more than a 1-week grown-ups only vacation. Ha!

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