Charlie was sick before Christmas. Knowing we were getting ready to leave I took him to the doctor just to assure myself it was just a cold running its course. It was a double ear infection. Penicillin to the rescue. A few days after the antibiotics ended, he was sick again. This time it was a double ear infection and bronchitis. Augmentin and steroids to the rescue. A few days after the antibiotics ended, back to sick. Ear infection. Omnicef. Check-up. Bronchitis. Steroids and breathing treatments. Check-up. Ear infection and bronchitis. Omnicef and referral to ear/nose/throat specialist. Continue steroids and breathing treatments. Add in Zyrtec. Back to fever and cranky. Waiting for ENT appointment. Mommy using lots of sick days. Daddy staying home. Grandparents here for a week. I'm mostly annoyed and getting impatient. My biggest concern is that his hearing is being affected, which could affect his speech. Sometimes I have just enough knowledge to be scary when it comes to possible outcomes.
For non-illness news, there isn't much. Charlie had his first haircut and is cruising around the furniture like nobodies business. He is obsessed with Beau, which is not a good relationship. He turned one today, believe it or not. He is getting bigger despite always being sick; he is almost 22 pounds. I don't think he is too far behind Maddie at this point.
Maddie is still the diva. Even though she still loves her books, she is moving into pretend play. She is always mothering her babies or wearing a princess dress. She cooks us cupcakes in her kitchen. Today she went to school for her 'Bawentine's Party'. She has a heart shirt for every day this week. Let's just say she is girly-girl deluxe. She is very excited about getting bigger and turning three next week. Her birthday party will be this weekend, and I am hoping the Sleeping Beauty Barbie cake will put her over the moon.
Maddie still thinks she can hold her brudder. She doesn't care that he is as big as she is. He doesn't seem to care either.
This is the first time I caught them 'playing together'. I realize they weren't actually doing anything together, but it looks precious.
Okay, so this was his 10 month picture taken around 11 months. I have again missed an 11 month picture. I will walk the mommy-walk-of-shame and put some random snapshot in his baby book. I'm sincerely sorry, Charlie.
I honestly can't figure out why I was allowing this cookie break to happen in my living room chair, but it was fun brother-sister time!
Haters gonna hate.
Charlie is showing off his new haircut.
Last night Charlie crawled off of my lap and onto his big sister, who was watching a cartoon before bed. You can't see it behind his pacifier, but he had a big smile on his face. Love!
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